Tips on How to Manage a Full-time Job and a Business

In today’s world, having just one stream or source of income is not advisable due to unforeseen circumstances. On that note, a lot of people that run a side business while maintaining a full-time job find it difficult to manage and balance both.

You don’t want to use your work hours for your business, it can get you fired. Likewise, you don’t want to use the time carved out for your business to do office work, it can harm your business.

To help you balance both better, we want to share with you…

5 tips to help you manage work and business respectively.

1. Organize Yourself

Time is the most important and precious commodity to you when you have a full-time job while running a side business, so you have to prepare yourself to manage it properly and make the most out of it. At the beginning of each week, keeping in mind both your full-time job and your social life, sit down and create a schedule that outlines when you’ll be working on your business.

Using company time or resources for your personal business is unethical. In some cases, you can either piss off your colleagues or worse, lose your job, so try not to cross that line.

Likewise, do not let your job take away from the time you’re supposed to spend working on your business. Carved out specif hours, say at night, to focus on your venture and during that time, do not get distracted by anything else.

2. Outsource as Much as You Can

If you run a small business while working another job, you’ll need a lot of assistance to accomplish all you need to do. Generally, small business owners who manage their ventures often need other hands on deck to achieve results. To that end, don’t be afraid to outsource your business tasks especially those you’re not very good at.

You can’t afford to wear yourself out when getting help is an option. For example, if you’ve been planning to create a business profile or catalog, instead of delaying it endlessly, invest a little money in getting a professional designer who can quickly get it done for you while you spend your time doing the things you do best.

3. Overcome Discouragement

There’s no way around it, starting a business is tough. Starting a business while still employed elsewhere? Even tougher. But, as soon as you realize and accept this, it will be easier to acknowledge that the difficult part at the beginning is going to be worth it when you eventually have your big break.

Kevin Systrom, co-founder of Instagram said “If you’ve got an idea, start today. There’s no better time than now to get going. That doesn’t mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100% from day one, but there’s always small progress that can be made to start the movement.”
So, don’t let the fact that you can’t give all your time to your new business discourage you. Learn how others have done it successfully and apply a few of those lessons in your own life.

4. Manage Your Free Time Well And Minimize Distractions

While it’s important not to work yourself to death, running a business while still employed at a full-time job will be really time-consuming for a while. As such, focus on better time management and learn to minimize distractions and you’d be surprised how many things you can fit into your day.

Tony Robbins, American Author, and a successful entrepreneur has the following suggestions: “One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” Master the ability to focus. Everything depends on it.

5. Set A Monetary Goal For When You Will Quit Your Day Job

Most likely, you don’t plan to keep your full-time job forever, you want to quit someday. Set a monetary goal and use this as leverage for when you’ll focus full time if you really want your venture to be successful, this will help put a bit of gentle pressure on you. This can either be an amount saved from your day job or an amount earned from your new business or both.

Dave Nevogt of Hubstaff suggests that you “Use your job as a temporary safety net and save what you calculate you’ll need for at least 12 months of living comfortably,”

Remember, this phase won’t last forever—that monetary goal should serve as a jumping-off point. “As soon as you have your runway built up, leave your job,” says David Nevogt. “By that point, your business should ideally be earning your income too.”

Starting your business while working a full-time job is doable but it’s really difficult. There are so many paths to entrepreneurship as there are entrepreneurs in this world. Implement these steps and you’ll be well on your way to being your own boss.


Setting up the right strategies and systems in your business will increase the possibility of it thriving without your constant attention. We help entrepreneurs create a blueprint to drive everyday activities and would love to speak with you about your unique needs. Feel free to contact us here

And if you’re struggling to get customers in your business,we might be able to help… Click Here to find out how we can help you put an end to that challenge.


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